USW is having an issue booting – Try the reboot or contact help.ui.com
Molto di voi avranno verificato alcuni problemi sugli switch Ubiquiti USW-24-POE, la stessa cosa successa a me. Continue disconnessioni, lo switch che va nello stato “adoption failed”, ping altissimi allo switch, la scritta “USW is having an issue booting – Try the reboot or contact help.ui.com” sul davanti. Insomma, tutta una serie di problematiche molto impattanti. Ho scritto al supporto Ubiquiti e la cosa sembra essere dovuta ad una bug che manda la CPU dello stack di gestione dello switch al 100% rendendolo incontrollabile. Mi hanno proposto un aggiornamento di un firmware bug fix e sembra funzionare. Chi fosse interessato mi scriva via email.
Many of you will have experienced some problems on the Ubiquiti USW-24-POE switches, the same thing happened to me. Continuous disconnections, the switch that goes into the “adoption failed” state, very high pings to the switch, the word “USW is having an issue booting – Try the reboot or contact help.ui.com” on the front. In short, a whole series of very impacting problems. I wrote to Ubiquiti support and it seems to be due to a bug that sends the CPU of the switch management stack to 100% making it uncontrollable. They offered me an update of a firmware bug fix and it seems to work. Anyone interested write me via email.